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Parmesan shallot green beans

Parmesan Shallot Green Beans

Parmesan Shallot Green Beans are one of our go to side dishes. This is one we reach for time and again when we’re wanting a little something extra with dinner! Rene’ always loves anything with cheese, and the caramelized shallots really make these special!

Rene’ has been a member of a girl’s dinner club for many years, and this recipe came out of that group during a dinner her friend Heather hosted. We gladly “borrowed” the recipe for many dinners and now share with you.

Picking the ingredients

Green beans should be smooth skinned. We like skinnier beans where the individual beans inside haven’t grown enough to make a large protrusion. French style are also great in this recipe. They should snap cleanly when you bend them. If you meet all of these criteria, they should be great! When you’re ready to use them, snap the ends off of every bean and pull the string between the ends if it stays attached to the snapped piece. You only use the middle piece of the bean, so throw away the ends that snap off.

cooking parmesan shallot green beans
Snap the ends off the beans and boil

Shallots should be firm and not have any soft spots or dark areas on the skin. Peel the outer layer or two off (that look like paper, just like an onion), and then slice them. Cut the slices in half so they are still pretty good bites.

shallot pieces for parmesan shallot green beans

We like shaved parmesan cheese. It stays on the beans better as it melts instead of filtering through and sitting on the bottom of the pan. Shredded works as well, but grated cheese really isn’t what you’re looking for with this recipe.

How to make Parmesan Shallot Green Beans!

Snap the green beans and put the edible pieces in a sauce pan. Add two cans of chicken stock and some more water to get the liquid close to the top of the beans. Boil the beans until crispy tender (15-20 minutes).

While beans are boiling, melt butter in a fry pan. Add the sliced shallots to the butter and sauté until they start to brown, stirring often.

Once beans are done to your taste, drain the liquid from the pan. Spread the shallots and butter over the top of the beans, then sprinkle parmesan cheese over the top of the shallots. Put the lid on the pan to allow the cheese to melt. Enjoy!

Here’s our video of the process if you want more information.

We made ours with a Rack of Pork and Drunken Apples. It made an amazing dinner!

Parmesan Shallot Green Beans

Recipe by HeCooks4Me.comCourse: Recipes, Side DishesCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time




Total time



Caramelized shallots and parmesan cheese really take these green beans over the top. This is one we reach for time and again when we’re wanting a little something extra with dinner!


  • 2 lbs Green Beans

  • 4 Cups (2 Cans) Chicken Stock

  • 2 Tbsp Butter

  • 1 Shallot – coarsely chopped

  • Shaved Parmesan Cheese


  • Snap the ends off the green beans and put the middle sections in a stock pot. Pour chicken stock over the green beans and add some water to take liquid close to the top of the beans. Boil for 20 minutes or until tender.
  • While beans are boiling, melt butter in a fry pan. Add shallots to the melted butter and sauté until caramelized.
  • Drain beans once they are cooked. Add shallots and butter from the pan over the top of the beans. Add parmesan cheese over the shallots and cover the pan until cheese melts.
  • Serve immediately.

Recipe Video


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