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Tag: Side Dish

Roasted Sesame Green Beans

Big flavor in this fantastic Roasted Sesame Green Beans side dish. These green beans are the perfect match for Asian flavors, and we really enjoyed them with Jamaican Jerk flavors as we made this video. We’ve also had them with steak or chicken to give some big flavor to the […]


Sweet Chili Brussel’s Sprouts

Talk about a side dish with some punch! The Sweet Chili Brussel’s Sprouts sauce caramelized over the Brussel’s sprouts bring a tangy sweetness. It perfectly offsets the bitterness in the sprouts. Add the oil and flavor from the Basque chorizo (or Mexican chorizo if that’s what you can find…) and […]

Parmesan shallot green beans

Parmesan Shallot Green Beans

Parmesan Shallot Green Beans are one of our go to side dishes. This is one we reach for time and again when we’re wanting a little something extra with dinner! Rene’ always loves anything with cheese, and the caramelized shallots really make these special! Rene’ has been a member of […]

Baked Cauliflower au Gratin

Cauliflower au Gratin

The cheesy deliciousness of an au Gratin with the benefits of cauliflower vs. the normal potatoes. These are an amazing side dish that we make for our big holiday gatherings. Rene’ loves the flavors in this dish. It’s not a big surprise, since it is full of cheese and that […]

Garlic Sweet Potatoes Serving Suggestion

Garlic Sweet Potatoes

These Garlic Sweet Potatoes are the perfect side dish for your protein entrée. The crispy crust and soft center of each bite match perfectly with the garlic and tarragon featured in the flavor profile. We use true sweet potatoes (white or yellow inside) vs. yams (orange or red inside) because […]